The Hidden Dangers of Shortcuts in IT Security

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The National Cancer Institute in Maryland recently published an analysis of data from three major U.S. health studies focused on daily multivitamin use. Contrary to popular belief in their health benefits, the studies revealed a 4% higher mortality rate among individuals who took daily multivitamins compared to those who did not. This finding brings to mind a scene from the movie Grumpy Old Men, where a character who lives an unhealthful lifestyle outlives many who followed strict health regimens. This observation underscores a fundamental point: shortcuts to achieving meaningful, difficult goals often backfire.

Shortcuts can lead to unforeseen complications across many aspects of life, including diet and health. For instance, foods labeled as “fat-free” or “sugar-free” may encourage overconsumption, negating their intended benefits. Similarly, the Atkins diet, which promises easy weight loss through carbohydrate restriction, has been linked to various health issues due to an unbalanced intake of nutrients. Weight-loss drugs like Ozempic have also raised concerns about serious health complications, recalling the dangers posed by quick-fix weight-loss drugs like Fen-Phen in the 1990s.

The same perilous path is evident in the IT world. Many businesses, especially smaller ones, try to meet compliance requirements or protect themselves from data breaches by opting for the most accessible, affordable solutions. A common mistake is relying on free antivirus or firewall software found through a quick online search, underestimating the threats they face. Cybercriminals often target small businesses, betting on their likelihood of weaker defenses.

Another frequent error in the realm of IT management is delegating responsibilities to an acquaintance or someone with only basic tech knowledge rather than hiring a professional. While well-intentioned, this approach often leaves businesses exposed to inefficiencies and vulnerabilities. When these businesses eventually upgrade to professional IT services, a plethora of hidden issues often come to light. The root problem lies not in the intent but in the lack of necessary skills and resources, which significantly increase risk.

However, not all shortcuts are detrimental. Entrusting IT management to an experienced managed services provider (MSP) can be the optimal “easy button.” MSPs offer the expertise required to achieve compliance, security, and operational efficiency without the associated stress and potential pitfalls of in-house or underqualified IT support.

Choosing the right IT provider is crucial. History is littered with examples of experts who were convincingly wrong, from discredited medical practices like lobotomies to financial scams like Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme. Therefore, it’s vital to thoroughly vet potential IT partners. This includes asking pertinent questions and seeking testimonials from other clients to ensure they can be trusted.

When selecting an IT provider to manage your network, due diligence is essential. It’s not your responsibility to know every technical detail, but it is your job to ask questions, seek out testimonials, and ensure you hire someone trustworthy. Your company’s security, reputation, and potentially its future depend on not letting the wrong person mishandle your IT infrastructure. That’s why I’ve created a FREE guide listing 21 critical questions to ask before allowing anyone to access your network. This resource is invaluable for every business owner.

If you’re ready to hand off your IT responsibilities to a reliable team of experts, our team is prepared to manage your network. This allows you to focus on growing your business while we concentrate on what we do best: protecting it. Call us at 717-914-0102 to book your FREE Cyber Security Risk Assessment today.

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